The core age range for Cub Scouting is between the ages of 8 and 10½ years old. At an average meeting we’ll have 25-30 members. We meet on Wednesdays during term time from 1815-1945.
The Cubs are divided into groups called Sixes with each Six named after a colour, and a Sixer (usually although not always one of the older Cubs) and a Seconder in charge.
N.B! Cubs currently has a waiting list with spaces only being available by September 2024 at the earliest.
What do we do at Cubs?

Cubs do a wide range of activities, from arts and crafts to kayaking, and from fire lighting to problem solving, there isn’t much the Cubs don’t do!
We all work towards seven Challenge Badges and our balanced programmes reflect the requirements for these. The aim for every Cub Scout should be to try and complete the Chief Scout’s Silver Award.
In addition to our regular Wednesday meetings, we also go camping 4 times a year – 1 per term and 1 in the Summer holidays.
We also take part in various competitions and events with other Cub groups around Southgate that include 5 mile hikes, football, swimming and chess.